Atlantis history

This is a time-schedule how the project "Expedition Atlantis" developed. We recommend to read it beginning from the end.


  • December 18th
    a.petit starts his own expedition to Libya and proves his theory at the localization-point.
  • February 2006
    The chief-negotiator confirms the date of the expedition that will start in the last week of november 2006. Nothing happend until a.petit created his own expedition starting Dec.18th.
  • February 2006
    A german portal had already published an article about the theme Atlantis and gets to know the news. The team decided to built this website to assure the project and to publish the incredible informations of the book.
  • January 2006
    The german publishing company loses the last trial and is giving up. Meanwhile a negotiator contacts the libyan embassy, that promises full support for the expedition and confirms the existance of unexplored ruins in the target area.
  • November 2005
    One day after the negative message of the german publishing company a corean professor offers to found a new enterprise especially for the book. He plans to finance the book with 1 million US$, a second million would be available if needed. After one month of negotiations to buy the already existing print-foils and the international copyright research the contact stops suddenly because of unknown reasons.
  • November 2005
    The german publishing company that possesses the print-foils for the complete book already since August 2005 announces that it is prohibited by law to continue to work on it. They have been taken to court by an anonymus plaintiff. If they continued until the following trial in January 2006 they had to pay 25.000 Euros (30.000 US$).
  • July 2005
    A publisher gets to read the website and asks for a meeting. Meanwhile he starts his own researches and finds more interesting structures in the proximity of the area. He informs a friend whose company is specialized on archeological travels.
  • April 2005
    a.petit decides to create a compressed website.
  • January 2005
    An interested group (G.E.M) invites him to hold a lecture in Nuernberg / Germany. It was a great succes but without any consequences.
  • November 2004
    a.petit's source of satellite-imagery increases the quality of their pictures. They are showing the final prove of the theory in the form of ruins, exactly at the place a.petit estimates as the remains of Atlantis.
  • November 2002-October 2004
    Some publishing-companies are interested in the book, but the conditions are not acceptable.
  • November 2002
    a.petit is invited to introduce his theory in a little TV-station. The live interview takes place the 18th november 2002.
  • June 2002
    The manuscript "Emergency Atlantis" is finished. Meanwhile the research continued and led to other intersting findings. a.petit sends several copies of his manuscript to related institutions and international newspapers. He is not yet in the possession of the better satellite-images.
  • April 2002
    a.petit decides to write down his reconnaissances in order to have a document that convinces responsible institutions to act.
  • April 2002
    a.petit tries to contradict all previous theories but accidently finds a former island that fits exactly in Plato's description. He intensifies his researches and gets more and more proves for a real existance of the so called sunk Atlantis.
  • March 2002
    a.petit gets to read an article about Atlantis and wonders about the content. He starts some researches about the subject and the related theories. He reads Plato's texts and and finds great differences between the existing hypothesis in comparison with the requirements of the genuine texts.