
While searching for pictures and texts in order to get the book " Emergency Atlantis" online, there appear more and more proves that the presentated theory is right. Because these are already too many, we decided to use this chapter to give you more explanations and interesting links.

November, 2006
A Sahara experienced travel-agency reports about a field of black stones 50 km to the west of El Jaghbub in the Sand Sea of Calanscio. This is about 20 Km in the south of the localisation and precisely the possible point of outflow after the flood! The plateau of the Cyrenaika consists in this area of red sandstone covered with a white limestone layer. Black stone at the same place was not yet confirmed.
In the Atlantis-texts he material for the buildings were described as red, white and black stones. While the softer limestones and sandstones erode in the desert climate after thousands of years, the possibly volcanic (black) rock is left. With this another condition on the correctness of the theory has been found.

On 8th march 2006 another hypothesis of a.petit is confirmed. He mentions in his manuscript, that has been written in 2002, that an metorite-impact could have caused the catastrophe described by Plato. Now Farouk El-Baz und Eman Ghoneim of the Boston University found an impact-crater of 31 Kilometres of diametre in the Great Sand Sea of Calanscio, that is in a distance of about 500 Kilometres of the target area. The time of impact can not be estimated by the scientists. But if this special impact caused the special catastrophe of Atlantis may be doubted. A smaller one would have had the same result.

This link leads you to the article

This link leads you to the satellite-images on Google-earth (1. detail, 2. overview)

On february 27th there is another confirmation of a presumption of a.petit. The cyrenic Silphium (Giant-Fennel or ferula communis) was estimated by him as a means to produce blue colour for the capes of the 10 atlantic kings (even though the Giant-Fennel has bright yellow blossoms!). It turned out that this plant really has blue leaves.

This link leads you to the pictures

Further historic texts, that prove the theory afterwards.
These texts are at the moment only available in german. We did not yet find an english translation.

Herodot of Halikarnassos (484-425B.C);

"Und weil ich hierüber gern etwas Genaues wissen wollte, von wem es nur möglich war, so bin ich auch nach Tyros in Phönizien gefahren, da ich hörte, dort gebe es ein angesehenes Heiligtum des Herakles. Und ich hab es gesehen und fand es reich ausgeschmückt mit vielen Weihgeschenken, und darunter, in seinem Inneren, gab es zwei Säulen, die eine von reinem Gold, die andere von durchscheinendem Stein, die leuchtete des Nachts ganz hell....

******* Herodot writes more than 2.000 years ago, that he travelled to a temple with the "Pillars of Heracles". The book "Emergency Atlantis" remarks, that this was in these times a general name for a sea-strait. And now we get the information that there were still other "Pillars of Heracles" that do not even have anything to do with the sea or an ocean!

....Ich sage nur, was die Ägypter selber sagen. Die Götter aber, deren Namen sie nicht kennen, wie sie sagen, die haben, glaub ich, von den Pelasgern Namen erhalten, nur Poseidon nicht. Diesen Gott haben die Hellenen von den Libyern kennengelernt. Denn kein Volk hat seit ältesten Zeiten den Namen des Poseidon besessen außer den Libyern, und sie verehren diesen Gott von jeher.
******Herodot explaines that Poseidon is, since the oldest times nor a god of the greeks, neither of the egyptian people. He tells us that they took him over from Libya! Possibly this is the same Poseidon who built the capital of Atlantis and was described by a.petit as a real existing person that was the model for this god.

....Damit wären die Libyer an der Küste aufgezählt, allesamt Nomaden, ..."
******** This is also an information that fits into the almost 4 year old thoery of a.petit. He thinks that the survivors of the Atlantic-catastrophe were condemned to be nomades. Parts of the Tuareg-people claim to be the legal successors of the atlantis-people. Noone knows their ethnic origin, and their customs are very different compared to other tribes. And they did something special in the past. They developed an own writing-system several thousand years ago, just like the atlantis-people. They seem to be the only nomades worldwide who did that. And as a matter of fact it is very strange, because they had to carry all their handwritings with them, while changing continiously the location.

... Zuerst, von Theben aus zehn Tage Weg, die Ammonier ... Sie haben auch noch etwas anderes, ein Quellwasser, das ist frühmorgens lau, etwas kühler zur Zeit, wenn der Markt voll ist, es wird Mittag, und nun ist es ganz kalt. Dann wäs­sern sie ihre Gärten. Wenn der Tag sich neigt, läßt die Kälte des Wassers nach, bis die Sonne sinkt und das Wasser schon lau ist. Nun wird es wärmer und wärmer bis Mitternacht, da kocht und sprudelt es richtig. Mitternacht geht vorüber, und es kühlt sich ab bis zum Morgengrauen. Mit Namen nennt man diese Quelle Sonnenquelle."

********* This "spring of sun" (Sonnenquelle) is todays Oasis Siwa. It is situated in a distance of about 150km of the place where a.petit found the ruins via satellite-imagery. With this the existence of warm and cold sources at the border of the cyrenian plateau is also confirmed. Just like Plato described it.

More over the Oasis Siwa is an island of the berber-language to that the Tuareg language belongs to. But it has to be remarked, that Siwa can not be a direct remain of the Atlantis, because must have been under water 10.000B.C.

"Die Gewandung und die Aigis an den Athenebildern aber haben die Hellenen den Libyerinnen nachgemacht. Denn sieht man davon ab, daß die Gewandung der Libyerinnen aus Leder ist und die Troddeln an der Aigis bei ihnen nicht Schlangen sind, sondern Riemen ist die Ausstattung sonst ganz die glei­che. Und dann spricht auch der Name dafür, daß die Gewan­dung der Palladien aus Libyen kommt. Denn die Libyerinnen hängen sich kahle Ziegenfelle über die Kleider, mit Troddeln dran, gefärbt mit Ocker, und nach diesen Ziegenfellen haben die Griechen ihr Wort Aigis gebildet. Ich habe auch die Ver­mutung, daß das helle Schreien (Ololyge) beim Opfern dort zuerst aufgekommen ist. Denn die libyschen Weiber verwen­den es reichlich und verwenden es schön...
******* The proto-Libyans hairstyle is described as something similar to a pig- or animaltail. The interpretation as a symbol for a snake sounds even more probable for a.petit. In any case you will find this kind of dresscode in nearly every picture of the minoan culture. The following link leads you to the best image to prove this estimation.

...Auch vier Pferde zusammenzuspannen haben die Hellenen von den Libyern ge­lernt."
********* "...also to put four horses together, the Hellens (ancient greeks) learned from the Libyans.
Plato tells us something about a golden coach with 4 horses in the capital of Atlantis. He also mentions the military equipment consisting out of battle-coaches. So this is another strong congruence to a.petit's estimation, that it were obviously the Libyan-people who brought culture to the greeks and the egyptians. To summarize all the given informations they took over technology, gods and clothing from the (in the origin) Atlantis-people. Just like a.petit suggested it without knowing these facts.

Gaius Plinius Secundus (23–79 A.C) better known as Pliny the Elder, describes an equal source for the later capital of the Garamantes, that is called "Garama". Al-Jaghbub is in a distance of about 80km to the localisation of a.petit, and 60km to the Oasis Siwa. Al-Jaghbub is also called "Giarabub" as you can see in the following map down left.
By the way we have to remark that all the names of the places we are dealing with on this website have many different ways of writing. The Cyrenaica has for example at least 7 of it.

Strabon (63 B.C.-23A.C.) writes:

"... Die Schwierigkeit mit beiden, dieser der großen und der Kleinen Syrte, ist, daß an vielen Stellen das tiefe Wasser Untiefen enthält, und das Ergebnis ist, daß bei Ebbe und beim Gezeitenwechsel Segler in diese Untiefen geraten und dort festsitzen, und daß ein Schiff unbeschadet entkommt, ist selten. Das ist die Erklärung dafür, daß die Segler auf Distanz bleiben, wenn sie an der Küste entlang reisen, und sorgen so vor, daß sie nicht vom Kurs abkommen und vom Wind in diese Golfs abgetrieben werden. ... dann kommt man zu einem anderen Platz, Charax genannt, ... danach nach Automala, einer Festung, die eine Garnison besaß und im tiefsten Winkel des ganzen Golfs lag. ... Der Rest der Küste von hier zur Stadt Berenice ist 1500 Stadien lang. Im Landesinnern, (an der Küste im Landesinnern?) oberhalb erstreckt sich die Küste, noch bis hin zu den Altären der Philaener, liegt das Land der Nasamonen, wie sie genannt werden, einem libyschen Stamm. In dem Bereich dazwischen sind nur einige Häfen; und die Wasserstellen machen Angst."
******* What Strabon writes 2.000 years ago is another important hint. He tells us that there was a fortification at the coast named "Automala", that was in a distance of 1.500 Stadions (exactly 277,5km, but it seems to be rounded) from Berenice (todays Benghasi). He says it was in the deepest angle of the big Syrt, that is nowadays the continuation of the "Great Sand Sea of Calanscio". But- if it were really about 270km, the shoreline must have been another 100km deeper in the desert than today!

Also very interesting is a french website, that is dealing with the "cave of pigs" in Slonta/Cyrenaica. Plato also describes, that there were many Atlantis-people in the north of the island. This special cave can not be dated by the scientists. It is only sure that nor the greek neither the romans built it and that is why they say the proto-Libyans must be the creators. a.petit says it could possibly be a remain of the genuine atlantis-people. Just have a look- the pictures tell their own story.

It is said in the encyclopedias, that the proto-Libyans used some kind of bumerangs (!) The sumerians, too. An egyptian bumerang you will find here. 11th picture in the column left.

Extemely interesting is an expedition-report of Gerhard Rohlfs out of the years 1868/69. It confirmes nearly everything a.petit writes about this area. He describes a mass of tombs, volcanos, shells in the desert, the Silphium and so on. About 200 pages in german. Apart from the content we recommend this as a very exciting report, but we simply can't translate it until the book of a.petit is done.
Band 1: http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfile?pageno=1&fk_files=219114
Band 2: http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfile?pageno=1&fk_files=219125

Land and people in Africa, Reports out of the years 1865-1870 by Gerhard Rohlfs
The big depression in North-Africa. (Sand -Sea of Calanscio)

atlantis history
expedition team